It never ceases to amaze me how much the world has changed in the last thirty years.
I remember when I was a teenager back in the 1970s, in my first year at the University of Chicago, I toured the City’s Museum of Science and Industry with a friend of mine. We came to an exhibit room that purported to show what life was going to be like in the 21st century. One of the exhibits was a huge printer that would print out newspapers that specifically addressed the home to which the paper would be delivered. The paper had news specifically of interest to the family, and even addressed the family by name. It was all in the old fashioned newsprint, of course, but I remember thinking how great it would be if publishing could be so easy and so reader-specific.
Well, here we are in 2021. Maybe hardly anyone reads the old fashioned newsprint any more (seriously, it always annoyed me when the ink would stain my hands), but we do have the ability to filter news for our individual purposes. And guys like me, from our home offices in North Texas, can create a blog that anyone anywhere in the world can read.
So welcome to my blog! This is where I plan on providing frequent updates to share my various thoughts and musings on various topics. Most of you know me as a family man, dog lover, financial consultant, and author. But in this blog you will find out more about what I think regarding topics of the day.
You aren’t going to agree with everything I say, or think, but I hope you will defend my right to say it. That’s one thing I fear we are losing in this country – the ability to disagree about topics, while maintaining intellectual integrity and mutual respect. I want to do my small part to bring that back in our country – rigorous debate, well-thought out arguments and a furthering of the intellectual process. I hope you join me in this quest.
Oh, and I will provide some great stories about one of my favorite topics, dogs. My latest novel, Rainbow Bridge, addresses the question asked by all who have loved and lost a beloved dog – do we get to be with them again? Companionship with dogs has been one of the high points of my life, and I hope you will enjoy my stories about them as well.
So as Dennis Miller used to say, “let’s light this candle!”