When a Joke Makes You Evaluate Your Life

A couple of weeks ago my older daughter Melissa turned 26.  During her celebration I tried to make one of my typical “Dad” jokes.  I pointed out to her that she was now closer to 30 than she was to 20.  As you can imagine, that joke went over like a lead balloon.  Fortunately, more helpings of cake and wine restored the festive mood of the evening.

But that joke got the last laugh on me.  Later that night I started thinking to myself,  “you know I’m 60 years old.  That means I have lived the majority of my life, and I am closer to the end than I am to the beginning.”  No doubt that’s true  (I am a math guy, after all).  But it also gave me the chance to do some evaluation of where I am in my life, and whether I have made a “difference”.

Did I win a Super Bowl?  Appear on the cover of Fortune Magazine?  Find a cure for the common cold?  Get elected President?  No, no, no and no (although on that last point I have no doubt the country would be better served with me than the current occupant).  Have I made mistakes?  You bet!  Would I do some things differently if I could?  Absolutely.

But here’s the real question – would I want to be anyone else right now?  And I can say that the answer is a resounding “no!”.  I am blessed with a wonderful and supportive wife, two amazing daughters, and a great extended family.  I love my job, I am happy with my books, and I’m still in great health. I was blessed to live my life in the greatest state in the greatest country in the world.  Not only do I not want to trade places with anyone, I bet 90% of the people on the planet would trade places with me if they could.  So while I may never go down in history as one of those so-called “great” men, on the whole I’m pretty darned satisfied with where I am.

I hope all of you are able to say the same thing.  Life is a blessing, as is family and friends.  Let’s always remember that, and make the most of the days the Lord has given us.